Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Fault In Our Stars- A book review

Author: John Greene

My Take

To be blinded by a book that leaves you in tears after every other sentence is a book that very difficult to read. But i accomplished the task which was not only a tremulous ride through the lives of every character in the book but also a journey to remember by. How life is held on to, fought for and let go off because you couldn't fight anymore. But with cancer eating away Hazel' s life, she goes everywhere with her oxygen tank and staying alive is what matters her the most. Her mother wants her to see more of her life and not be depressed about her disease. The cancer support group becomes a blessing in disguise and she finds the "love of her life" in Augustus Waters.
Her obsession to the book An Imperial Affliction leads to her trip to Amsterdam with Augustus's help. He uses the only Wish he could have with the "genies". His love for her is beyond the physical attraction. Their time spend together and their verbal banter over Imperial Affliction makes a wonderful heartbreaking story. You cannot forget the Mom and Dad who are sweet people with just one goal as to keep their daughter happy and alive. Isaac is weird and lovable while making a friend to Augustus. They are kinda there for eachother. His unfinished love story with Monica doesn't leave you cold either. The ups and downs of cancer inflicted people has made me realize that life is precious and you cannot take anyone for granted. The dialogues are truly touching- not the fake tall claims of love but seeing the realistic situation of Hazel and Augustus, they seem the believable couple they are.
The movie has been out and it will be great to put a face on the characters. A no- flaw book, The Fault In Our Stars is life changing book that will change your life.

Rating: 4.5/ 5