Tuesday, August 2, 2011


My experiments with my oven never ends and this happens every time me and my hubby have this clear idea of how much oil should we exactly use for a healthier 'us'.
So I wanted to have fries (as usual my craving never end) and he practically made me try the oven baked potatoes which I felt was an insult for the 'REAL' thing.
Surprisingly, it turned out all good. I didn't have to throw the contents in the bin. It was all retained and went right into my very hungry stomach.

Recipe: Potato Wedges

Ingredients: 1 potato (half boiled)
1 tsp salt
dried herbs

Process: Preheat the oven for five minutes. Make sure your potatoes are not soggy. Cut it into long stripes and toss it with salt and dried herbs. Put them on a girll and set the oven in 'micro-girll' for the next ten minutes (depends on how many potatoes you are using).
Voila! you have the fat-free, delicious fries look-alike

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